Monday, December 22, 2008

Class Schedule: December 22

Hour 1 Tasks:

  1. Complete Blog Comment
  2. Finish Opinion Essay Rough Draft
  3. Upload rough draft onto your wikispaces page:
  4. Check with Mr. Jeffers immediately after uploading.

If you finish early:

  1. Try customizing your wikipage by adding titles, pictures or a movie. Go to: to find out how.
  2. Visit and win some food for someone.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Class Schedule: December 19

Class ends at 8:22

Hour 1 Tasks:
  1. Finish Blog Comments TODAY!
  2. Complete rough draft and load it onto the wikispaces page.
  3. Only after you're finished, you must begin watching wiki tutorials at the following page:

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Author's Purpose Assignment

Here is an explanation of the Author's Purpose Assignment:

Students need to find three different texts. In those three texts, students need to copy a few sentences that might indicate what the author's pupose is of that text. Lastly, students need to write the reasons why they think the author's purpose is what they think it is.

Class Schedule: December 18

Class runs until 8:20 Today!

Whole Group:
  1. Classroom Links
  2. Wikispaces Password

Period 1 On Your Own:

  1. Contine Drafting Opinion Essay - Rough Draft due Tomorrow
  2. Complete Blog Comment
  3. Only after you're finished, you must begin watching wiki tutorials at the following page:

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Class Schedule: December 17

Period 1 Whole Group:

  1. Receive "Formula for an Introduction" and "Formula for a Conclusion"
  2. New Order for Blog Commenting
  3. Introduction Review - Two different Examples

Period 1 On Your Own:

  1. Continue Drafting Your Opinion Essay
  2. Create Blog Comment
  3. Conference with Mr. Jeffers when you are finished working.
  4. Only after you're finished, you must begin watching wiki tutorials at the following page:


Introduction Review

Find the following in the two introductions below:

  • Grabber Statement

  • Explanation of Grabber

  • Thesis Statement

Which of these introductions is more effective and why? (Two extra credit points will be awarded for responding to this post). Please label each part (grabber, explanation, and thesis) in your comment by copying and pasting each part in the comment box.

Introduction Sample #1:

School is boring. That’s why we should change it. There are many things that could be changed about school such as where our lockers are, what food we eat, and how long our classes run.

Introduction Sample #2:

Out of a survey of 400,000 students, 47 percent of them think school is boring. This means that nearly half of school students are bored for over half of the hours they are awake each week (Pearson, 2006). It’s time for schools to make a change. There are many things that could be changed about school such as the location, and size of our lockers, and choosing our locker neighbors. In addition, the nutritional value, the options, and length of our lunches should be changed as well as the students’ choices in their schedules, teachers, and the classes they take.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Class Schedule: December 15

Period 1 Schedule as a Whole Group:
  1. Computer Lab Etiquette
  2. Introduction to Blog Comments
  3. Examples of Blog Comments
  4. Blog Comment Rubric
  5. Alphabetical List of Those Commenting

Period 1 Schedule on Your Own:

  1. Draft Opinion Essay in Microsoft Word
  2. Draft Comment in Microsoft Word
  3. Post Comment, after editing, to the class blog.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Blog Comment Grading Sheet

The following will be used to grade your comments on the blog. Each comment that I require from you will be worth twelve points.

Here is a Formula for a Paragraph that may be downloaded and used as a guide for each paragraph.

Did You Know: Your World is Changing

The following video shows many statistics about how technology is changing the world. You are a new generation of students who has a greater responsibility in the world than any other generation previous. In addition, you now have more tools than any generation before you. Here is how they're developing.

Respond to this video and consider how technology is changing the world. Also, as students, what do you envision schools could do to help you prepare for these great changes in the twenty-first century?

How Technology Might Inspire

How might more consistent access to technology such as computers, digital cameras, editing software, instant messaging, wikis, blogs, et cetera, change your view about education?

Do you think you might be more excited to perform tasks and assignments for school. If so, why? If not, why not?

Please respond by posting your name in the comment section. In addition, remember to be specific and support your ideas with examples.

Welcome Hour 1

This is the blog we will use periodically to respond to each other and to threads that I will post for all of you. I am learning this process along with you; therefore, I ask for your patience in this process.

~Mr. J